Lemongrass Oil


Lemongrass essential oil is extracted from Cymbopogon flexuous (a.k.a. Andropogon flexuous, Andropogon flexuosus, Cymbopogon flexuosus - East Indian, Cochin, British India or native lemongrass) from the Poaceae family.

Chemical Constituents
The main chemical components of Lemongrass oil are: Citral, Farnesol, Nerol, Citronellal and Myrcene. Andropogon flexuosus and Cymbopogon flexuous has far higher Citral content than that of cymbopogon citrates.

Lemongrass oil has a lemony, sweet smell and is dark yellow to amber and reddish in color. It is watery in viscosity. Lemongrass oil blends well with: Basil, Cedarwood, Coriander, Geranium, Jasmine, Lavender and Tea Tree

Application & Usage

  1. It is a valuable ingredient in perfumes and citrus-type soaps and is also an insect deterrent.
  2. The therapeutic properties of lemongrass oil include Analgesic, Anti-depressant, Antiseptic, Astringent, Carminative, Deodorant, Diuretic, Fungicidal, Galactagogue, Insecticide and Tonic.
  3. Most vegetarian capsules of Vitamin A are made of this oil.
  4. In Australia and India, it is mainly used as an ingredient in Dishwashing Liquids and Bathing Soaps.
  5. Lemon grass oil is one of the major essential oil used in the perfumery and cosmetic industry. It is widely used in scented soaps, sprays, deodorants, polishes, medicines etc
  6. It helps to reduce tension it can be useful for stress related sexual problems, and could explain its reputation as an aphrodisiac.
  7. Also this oil reduces puffiness in skin and is good hair tonic.
Consumer Industries
Manufacturers of bathing soaps and shampoos, vegetarian vitamin A capsules, insect repellent, pest repellent in the agricultural field, beverages, flavors, high value base perfumery deodorants, scents, sprays, polishes, hair tonics, muscle toning lotions, balms, dish washing liquid and cloth washing soaps.


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